

Simple & Powerful

MESSAGE THAT INSPIRED THIS SECTION OF THE PAGE: You will write some of my guides, put them where you will find them the easiest, only my guides, you will read them every day and you will act as I have taught you, you have the tools in your hands, all the guides for To ask for what you want and keep what you ask for, remember not only is to receive what is asked for, it is also to have the wisdom to keep it, take care of it, love it and all this is in those guides. Do it now! The sooner, the faster you will see the fruits. How long do you want to plant this seed?

Love is more important than faith!

Acts of love

Selfless acts full of love, regardless of the result, with serenity. May love always guide the acts, conscience in each act.

In relationships

Maintain a very deep unity, beyond the external, the physical and the material. It must be a spiritual union since love and peace will be those who dominate, order and be the guide. The external feelings of rage, jealousy, rancor and revenge will not be accepted, they must not dominate or affect. It is a mutual promise.
Speak with facts, not only with words but with forceful and evident facts
Helping those who need it most Do what you should do no matter what others think, or how they judge you or whether or not they agree with your actions, they will always judge act how you act
The only thing that removes doubt is faith in me, there will always be room for doubt if you don't have faith.
Si hay alegria en mi corazón, mis pasos son certeros!
Look at the sky and its vastness, not the world and its coldness
I do not give according to what is deserved, but to the gratitude received

Love, happiness, tranquility and peace. The wanting, the power, the doing, is within you, your heart is your light, it is the light that illuminates your path, it tells you where to go, look at its light, follow its light, ask for much, expect much, for I give you much, I have much, much for you.

Focus on love and you will see the light, open your eyes to love, your ears. It's everywhere, it haunts you, you have it all the time, it's in everything.

My designs are not followed, they are fulfilled ...

Focus on what I give you today, enjoy it! I worry about your tomorrow.

Look at your daily decisions, as they are the foundation of your future.

You may feel small in this world, but you are big in your world and in those around you.

You have waited so long, you have been persevering and even better you have known how to wait in love, with love in compassion.

Compassion with you and with others, that is true waiting, waiting in peace and serenity with firmness, trust and faith.

You are free to follow your heart without sacrifice or pain, everything is love; harmony and peace when you follow your heart.

When there is anxiety, there is no truth.

You are wise

Remember you make wise decisions keep that in mind, especially from now on, tests of wisdom come. You already have it inside in peace and serenity, you will make decisions in love and harmony, I am with you. And it is not to accuse you, it is so that you look at yourself, be amazed and dazzled with your own wisdom, with the knowledge, serenity and discernment that you will make decisions, trust your wisdom; consult me and consult your heart, it is part of being wise, making decisions with serenity in the soul and confidence in your steps. Trust yourself, as I trust you and you will see the results.

Obedience and you will be happier

If you listen to what makes your heart happy, if you become aware daily of all your acts, thoughts, actions and you do everything by listening to the heart, following MY will through the voice of your heart you will be very happy. I do not ask that you sacrifice your life or your true happiness (not the fleeting, not the ego, not the vanity) the happiness of the soul, that is yours and my greatest wish is that you be happy. Why should I create you to see you suffer? I am not cruel, I am love, I am peace, I am your heart.

Collect your harvest

Go out, gather your harvest, and this ready, everything you have sown, suffered, cried is rewarded. You have already sown love, you will receive in gigantic amounts of love, you sowed patience, compassion, tenderness, sincerity, honest work and everything will be compensated in abundance. Hands will be missing to gather your harvest, you need help to collect God's abundance in your life. Everything you have asked for, dreamed of, expected and more.

When you listen to Me, you are wiser

Your closeness to Me makes you wise, very wise, so do not be ashamed or hide, or doubt your wisdom because it is Mine reflected in you. When you are close to Me, you are wiser when you hear me, you follow me, you obey me, you act wisely. So it is not a lack of humility to say that you are and act with wisdom, do not deny your wisdom or doubt it.


Obey, live in peace, follow your heart, be aware of your decisions all the time. I do the impossible, you obey in the absurd, in the low, in the big

Hush the world and hear My voice

Leaving behind everything that is painful, what did not work, discovering what is new without judging through the lenses of the past, without letting the past influence who you are today and where you want to go is to close your ears to fear and open them to God. Hearing His voice and following  Him is forgetting what the world says and listening to what God says, it is opening your eyes and seeing the Kingdom of God waiting for you; just asking you to leave the world and its unfair shouts and see yourself as God sees you and give you the freedom to be who God created you to be.

Show your greatness to the world

The time begins to come when the world will begin to recognize your light, your greatness and they will see who you are. That they recognize, see and admire your greatness, that you show it to the world and that your light illuminates your path and that of many, does not mean that you will lose your humility. Recognizing your Divine gifts, seeing your greatness and that others see it is not that you are believing yourself more than others or feeling superior. The people saw the greatness of Jesus and his light from heaven, but they did not mistake that for pride or lack of humility. Wanting to maintain humility cannot stop you from showing the world who you are and the greatness that is in you. Do what you must do, be who you are by freely following your heart and you will always be humble. Always recognize all your gifts, you still lack it, it is still the beginning, there is still much to discover in you, and I say this not as a reproach but with fascination, joy and enthusiasm. It is so far the beginning of the wonder and you are still at the door.

With God in the heart

Nothing is needed because your actions will be your doing and you will do what you must do so that He fulfills his promise in your life, with God in the heart it is easy to love, it is easy to forgive, it is easy to be at peace, with God in the heart you love everyone with joy, looking only at their goodness and with kindness.

I am always with you

I will always be giving you messages, I will always guide you, I will follow you, I will accompany you, I want to see you triumphant, happy, full of love, peace. And the love you are waiting for, once I will rest a little, because you will have arrived where everything I have for you is waiting for you. But I will never stop talking to you, guiding you, loving you. Do not close your ears to me no matter how scared the truth that I speak to you, I will not say something that you are not prepared to hear. Stay in obedience always, love always, give love, give love always from the heart, sincere love, sincere love is so beautiful, so pure, so beneficial. If there is peace in your heart you are acting well.

I see your actions

If you never forgive yourself, you demand, it seems little what you do or worthless. I see it, I take it into account I make it appear to you, because sometimes you demand more of yourself than I demand of you, sometimes you expect more of yourself, you mistreat and punish yourself, while I forgive you, you accuse yourself. But I see everything and your purity of heart is your inspiration, I see everything you do and the purity of your actions always present.

Love has two sides

Si me sigues estás paz, si me crees vives, estas feliz. Si me oyes no tropiezas, si me amas, te aman, si me amas, amas con felicidad. Amar es fácil cuando el amor viene del alma y del corazon, no de la lógica y la razón. Cuando el sentimiento es puro poco importa esperar del otro. Si el otro sonríe, tu ya eres feliz, si haces bien, tu ya eres feliz, si amas como Yo amo, ya eres feliz. La felicidad está en dar no en esperar. El recibir alegra, el esperar amarga, Quién ha dicho que debes esperar como esperas, como quieres tu que sean, como tu lo harías; acaso he hecho Yo dos seres iguales en la tierra? esperar es subjetivo, amar es libertad y el esperar amarra, el amar libera. El ego, la vanidad, egocentrismo, amarran, amargan, hacen sufrir y nunca consiguen lo que quiere, pues nada jamás es suficiente. 
El aceptar es amar. El amor tiene dos caminos, tienen dos caras, dos sentidos, cual es mas importante? uno depende del otro, sin uno no está el otro, el uno no puede existir sin el otro. pues el amor da y recibe. Saber recibir es tan importante como saber amar. Ver el amor del otro es saber amar. Recibe de quien te da, recibe sin juzgar, recibe sin medir, recibe con amor, con el corazon. Da de igual manera, da como si fuera la última vez, como si fuera la primera vez. Dar con amor, dar con una sonrisa, da tu corazon, da sin condicion, da siempre mi amor.
Tu vida es una luz que brilla , tu vida ilumina al mundo, tu vida es la luz de muchos, tu amor es la luz de muchos, pcoso lo dicen, muchos lo viven. Tu vida en sus vidas les da vida, tu amor en sus vidas les da luz.

In darkness

Dispel the darkness with love, love you, your life, your family, your gifts, your talents, those who surround you to what happens and does not happen in your life, love and accept your life and others and the darkness they disappear.

Loving overflowing

Love overflowing and you will get out of there, love without prejudice, without waiting, give overflowing for no reason just because you love without brakes. Where is love is the answer to everything, in love is the answer to everything and love is in everything, do everything with love, act with love, speak with love, speak of love, be love made person your essence is love , you are love, you are a heavenly light made of love, flying around the world giving daily dose of love to everyone who touches your path, it is not necessary to give your life, it is necessary to give doses of love to whoever I put in your path without questioning His destiny, love is delivered overflowing and abundant. Your way is love, not your way goes to love, love is the way, daily love, in daily doses to many people without discrimination, without judging, without waiting, note surprise if you receive or when you receive giant rains of love receive it, accept it, you are collecting what you have sown, prepare to receive, to harvest and to continue loving and do not stop sowing, no matter how great the harvest, love is sown daily , it is given daily, it is delivered daily.

Look forward

You will see everything clearly, everything will become increasingly clear, each event is a light bulb that lights up on your way. Always look forward not back, your life is ahead not back, the light comes, everything shines. Jesus is in your life, he is in you and you are in him.

Actions of love

Your actions must be consistent with your words and vice versa. Every action must have behind it an impulse of love for the other. Without love every act is empty.

Love is the center of life and it is lived every day, every moment, with all beings, things, situations and with yourself...

Don't judge, you don't know

You have been judging, rejecting, claiming an attitude that you yourself have had with someone weaker than you, you have expected more from someone poorer than you, who are you to ask the poor? Who are you to judge without a heart? Who are you to judge without reason, with coldness, sharp dryness, have you been perfect? Does what you have done make you better than the other? Do you think you are above him? Do you think you have complied and obeyed with perfection that today you sit down to expect perfection? who are you to judge without knowing what is in a heart?, even worse knowing what is in his heart.

One thing is to act, another is to judge.

Judging, claiming, waiting, you don't have to judge when you don't see and even so when you see you don't have to judge, you don't know, you don't know, you don't understand. I ask you not to judge, not to condemn, not to assume, not to decide, everything is still there.

Do not bring the other to Me so that I condemn, do not bring him to Me so that he rebukes, judges. You do your thing, he does his thing and I do mine. Turn your eyes to you, remember, the acts that are worth are yours, I look at your acts, in him I look at his acts. But you are separated from yours and he from his. Don't base your actions on theirs, that's revenge, ego, it doesn't bring anything good, nothing.

Base your actions on kindness, joy, love, compassion, understanding, wisdom, worry about yourself, for acting well. He does and undoes, he does the best he can with what he has.

Nothing good comes from fear, anguish, anxiety, because those are not good acts, acts of the heart, of kindness of love give peace, joy, satisfaction and DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING, because it is for the good of the other, NOT their own .

Acts of love without expecting anything.

You deserve God's love

When you see with your heart you listen to me, you get scared and you try to hide my voice. Well, everything you want speaks to you and you still think you are not worthy, you must believe before seeing it, you are worthy, the gaze is on you, that of God How to learn to be worthy? You learn by looking from the inside out, you learn by ceasing to compare, from competing, you learn when you go inside and marvel at yourself, when you see your essence, how much you look into your eyes and see what God sees. Make moments of daily retrospection, to marvel every day and thus you will see more and more your beauty, your value, you will realize, it was evident that you are worthy of everything, everything, everything that God created for you and his love for you .

No one will take it from you

No one takes away your promises or what God has for you, no one has the power to take away what God grants, what God gives, even if others ask for it so it seems unfair to others, if God has conceived you that way you will have chosen Follow Him He has chosen to give you the best part and nobody will take it from you, not even yourself.

Your Journey

Start your journey and I keep my promise to you, take the first step, do not wait any longer.


What is taking my way? What is my path?

Walk to peace, to tranquility, to love what makes your heart happy, to smile, to happiness, a path of beautiful flowers, of pure thoughts, a path to your success.

It is to do what you must do daily, it is to fill your day with joy, energy, enthusiasm, it is to obey in the big and in the small, it is to listen to the voice of your heart that screams, that is your path.

You always undertake, daily, you love daily, you are kind daily, it is not a destiny, life is not a destiny, life is a path, it is a journey with beautiful places where you find people you share, you live and you are always happy. Love to you, love to Me, love to everything I put in your life. Remember it is how much love you give, not how much you receive, focus on the love you give, forget about the love you receive, forget about expecting to receive and life will always be happy. That is the path, that is your path.

Give love to everyone again, write your daily acts of love to yourself and others, there must always be EVERY day, stay on your way and your happiness will be forever. There will be no darkness, that is my message. If you hear the heart everything changes. Knock on the door of love with joy, enthusiasm, each one is a door that you knock on, if it doesn't open you go to another.

Look at me

Forget the world and look at me

forget the world and look at the greatness of your God

forget the world and its limitations

what anguish and pain

look at me in peace and love

look at me and you will always have peace and love in your heart

What is looking at you?

It's looking at the sky even when you think everything fails

it is to hear my voice, it is to read my words, it is to remember my messages.

If you look at me there is no pain.

Everything comes from me, do not expect from anyone or blame anyone, because everything comes from Me.

You don't need to remind me of my promise to you

You don't need to ask me over and over, you don't need to remind me of my promise to you, even if everything is silent, even if everything is still, because I was the one who promised. It was to you that I gave grace and I decided to give you this promise. Not because you have asked for it but I have decided. Even though it is impossible in your eyes, it is not seen, if you look at it with mine everything is clear, because I do not promise in vain. Do not doubt the Lord, do not let earthly expectations make you doubt his greatness.

I release you and I released you from bondage

Your cry has reached me, I myself will free you from the chains of slavery that you have on, whether it is you or someone else who has put them on you, I will free you and you will be free in My name, free on earth, free in the sky, free in the heart and in love. Free as you deserve to be, because I have made you free and life has put chains on you that are not yours; you carry heavy loads that do not correspond to you and oppress you.

I myself will remove your ties, because despite your silence I have heard your pleas and I can no longer resist your pains, your oppressions, your ties, I myself will free you and you will be free, free forever, because I will take you safely, where always you will be protected by me. I will not allow anyone, ANYONE to tie you, harm you, hurt you, they have known and will know my fury if they have to touch you or want to harm you. I will protect you as a lioness protects her young; because you are my treasure, a lost treasure that has struggled to free itself in vain because it has been tied with unfair ties that do not belong to it.

Up to here this slavery, this oppression, until today you will live this bondage, from today you will have freedom, from today you will be that free being that I created. You will freely show the world all the gifts, virtues, values ​​and talents that I have given you, no one will oppress you or make you doubt your immense value, no one stands between you and Me, no one stands between your great virtues, your life, your mission and everything I have for you.

I am your shield, your defender, and no one, not even yourself, can take away the freedom that I am giving you today. Nobody, not even yourself, will be able to tie you down, nobody will be able to stop you, take advantage of you, or tie you up, you have everything, everything, everything: gifts, virtues, talents that I gave you, that I give you and are for you, to serve, to glorify, to obey and become that great extraordinary being that you carry inside and that you are but still do not show the world.

Today you will come out safe, successful and you will see in yourself this great warrior full of wisdom, love and security. You will see yourself as I see you, you will see yourself in my eyes because you no longer have ties, you no longer depend on the world, the world depends on you. You are now free, I have already come down, I have already set you free, you no longer have any ties to anything and you will go far, very, very far with me, always in your hand, always in your heart, in your eyes and in your ears.

By freeing yourself, you come to Me, you come and claim everything I have for you, you are king and prince of your history, you are not a victim, nor an executioner, you are the prince of love, of joy, of freedom, of happiness, the king of your life.

Look for the opportunity to give love

I do not expect extraordinary works, nor great sacrifices, I just hope you look at every moment around you and see the opportunity to give love, to make us smile, to give attention, to be Jesus on earth, to see the face of Jesus in the other . Your words, gestures, and deeds can free many from a day of oppression and bring joy, peace, love to their lives.

I have eyes laid on you

Your joy will last forever, the joy and light that I give you are eternal and so is your happiness, love and faith that you will have in this new stage. Don't let yourself be sidetracked or turned off by the world, it will be my light that takes you on your way, it will be my light that illuminates your life, you have managed to have my grace, I have my eyes on you, in every step of your life, in every thought, every feeling, your life is mine and so you will see it.

You will see my hand in your life doing impossible miracles, doing the impossible, so stop thinking, stop analyzing, stop calculating, your mind, your thoughts, cannot imagine or dream of the world of love and abundance that I have for you. you. Don't wear yourself out controlling something you have no control over; use all that energy in love, faith, joy, in peace in your heart, do not wear yourself out in being perfect and perfection in your life, nobody asks you for it, not even I who do know it! You do not know perfection, nobody knows it, nobody has such wisdom.

Every situation has a reason, but don't go crazy and get lost looking for them, just live it, learn and continue.

I am in all your steps, I accompany you at all times and not to judge and condemn you, but to take care of you, to love you and to guide you.

The light comes

The end of your sorrows has come, of the darkness of your soul and of your heart, the end of everything that causes you pain has come, for I have come to your soul.

Your happiness does not depend or depend on the external world, on how light or dark your days are; because you carry the light inside, you carry My Light, eternal and inexhaustible light, light of happiness, of faith, of love.

Your days of sadness, disappointment, heartbreak are over.

Do what your heart tells you and you will never fail...

Everything is compensated

Your life goes straight, you are where you should be, justice will come, not to condemn you, but to reward you, to fulfill you to reward you. The world wants to show you injustice of love, disappointment, but I will show you love. Well, that's what I'm made of and that's what you are made of, love. But not the common and earthly love, no, it is a heavenly, invincible love, greater than anything you have ever visited, your path is full of love. The love I give you is in everything. Stay in prayer all the time, keep your eyes on me forget the world, its demands, its short sight. Their vanities and ego make you see a world that is not yours, you must see your greatness, look at it, always look at it, it is greater than everything and your destiny is the same, greater than everything. You are big and you will receive big. My blessing is always with you

Trust Me

Trust me and you will find happiness, not because I grant you everything you ask of me, because it will not always be so, but because by trusting me you find peace and leave aside the anguish, worries and discomforts of the soul that do not let you be happy and find joy in living in faith. The joy is in the peace of faith and trust in me and in knowing that I direct everything and I will never do anything to hurt you, only to strengthen you and purify you, you are my spoiled child who leads by the hand through life. Do not wait anxiously, wait with peace, because peace comes from me, the anguish makes you feel that the wait is longer, it is not that it causes delay, it is that it feels longer. With faith, with love, peace and harmony, you wait without knowing that you are waiting, without knowing that you are waiting. So I remind you, enjoy what you have today and do not think about what has not yet come, do not make believe that the wait is long.

Be humble

Humility is not hiding your gifts, or thanks, talents or miracles, because you must carry them with joy and your head held high. Humility is loving others despite who they are, without highlighting their flaws, or humiliating with your virtues. Your virtues are made to serve, bring joy and be light in the lives of others, not to pass over them. Humility is recognizing your greatness and that of others; to know that they also have virtues, gifts, talents and are children of a great God. Recognize your talents, give them to the world and help others find theirs. It is a noble daily cause and mission to help others see their greatness, not their shortcomings. Let's trade criticism search for talent search; Let's talk about the greatness in the other and not about its defects. Well, they are My works and their talents are more than their defects. Find them, find them and tell them and see how the world changes, its world, your world ... it is a contagious practice and it starts with you.

Show my work to the world

Go out, laugh, be yourself, show the world the beauty of my work. Smile, take your joy, share it, leave your laziness, get out of your comfort zone and run after what you are looking for, without limiting yourself, your power is greater than obstacles, nothing defeats you, you can do everything, you have more than what you need to succeed, everything is in front of you, look more inside yourself than outside yourself.

Go out, run, search, success begins when you dare to take one more step, the most difficult step, the one you don't want, leads you to be everything you can be and to have everything you want.

The beginning of success is uncomfortable, because they want to discourage you but you will not give up and you will win because you have everything to do it and only the beginning of the uncomfortable is the beginning of success. Exploit your talents, put them at the service of God, of the world and everything will be yours.

Do yours, I do mine

It is I who manage time, I only know how to wait, at the least expected moment it will come. take care of me and I take care of you. Do what you must do every day, listen to my voice and obey, focus on obeying. Look what you are doing, consider your works, I take care of you. I count my works in you, let me take care of you, do not be distracted by thinking of what I am doing. Do your thing and I do my thing and you will see how everything changes, I have everything in my hands. Do your thing and I do my thing, be obedient ... Do what you must do when you must do it, not everything is governed by a schedule, a calendar, the times are mine, they are governed by your heart when it is born to do things , he is your living guide, always obey and you will fulfill your part and you will see how I fulfill mine.

Do your part and I do mine

Concentrate on doing what you should do and let me focus on what I should do, and so you do your part in serenity, love, without being distracted by what I and I alone should do.

You do your thing and I do my thing.

Enjoy today while waiting for God's plan

Do not think that you have the power to change My plan, neither you nor anyone else has it, your plan is great so that it can be altered by you, by your actions. I just help you make everything easier, happier, more harmonious, more peaceful, more as you want it to be and as you deserve it to be.

Enjoy what you live today, it will not come back, it is not a threat, it is simply a stage that at some point will end and you will be happy to have enjoyed it. Every day is unique, no matter how similar it is to the previous one, every day has unique opportunities, today is today and it will never come back that is the charm of each day, it is unique, it is new, it is beautiful, enjoy, smile, love, be yourself at every moment, remember the freedom I gave you, I know who I created you and you will do big, big things.

Everyone has their story

It is not a matter of comparing yourself, each one has their history, their pain, heartbreak, sorrow, tears, it is not a competition, it does not diminish my pain becomes insignificant when compared to others, each one has their history.

Where faith is born

Dichoso eres y seras por creer que te cumplire todo por mas imposible que te parezca, pues ahi esta tu fe real, allí está la verdadera fe en la oscuridad de la incertidumbre, en el silencio de lo imposible, de ahi nace la fe, ahi crece la fe, ahí se conoce la fe. Tu fe... tu fe es inmensa, mucho mas grande de lo que te imaginas, pues en tanto silencio tienes paz, das paz y con seguridad y firmeza y estás dominando tu lado humano, impulsivo de sentimientos contradictorios a la fe. Eres fuerte, triunfador y luchador, todo será recompensado tengo gran memoria en tus logros en tu fe, en tus esfuerzos, de tu lucha y corta memoria de tus fallas y flaquezas pues es más valiente levantarse que nunca haber caído. Ahora se, ahora sabes como te levantaras en tormentas, en flaquezas, como volver a tu paz, a tu fe a mi. Todo sera recompensado, entre mas grande la espera, mas grande la recompensa.

God does not promise in vain

Dios no promete en vano, siempre piensa eso; pueda que tarde pero no es en vano. Sus promesas, son reales, son hermosas, son tuyas,nadie te las quita; con cada amanecer disfruta cada dia, cada momento en fe, en paz, en serenidad, sabiendo que Dios está cumpliendo sus promesas, está actuando en tu vida. Así no lo veas, Él está actuando en tu vida haciendo cosas extraordinarias para ti; que no lo veas o sientas no significa que no está actuando. Un dia despertaras como cualquier otro, y ese será el dia que cumplirá sus promesas en tu vida todo en un dia, en una pequeña acción. Esta atento! oye, obedece y está expectante. Despierta todos los días con sueños, alegrias, sonrisas, dando lo mejor de ti. Tienes todo el potencial para hacer grandes cosas, Dios lo espera de ti y sabe todo lo que tienes dentro y sabe que triunfarás cumplirás metas y sueños pues es él quien te acompaña. Corre tu propia, carrera vive tu propia vida, comple tus propios sueños, poco importa alrededor pues Dios te habla de dentro a fuera, no de afuera a dentro.

Lo que tienes dentro, tus sueños más profundos y puros, los puso Dios; aun los que te parecen superficiales, los puso Dios, pues da toda bendición en exceso a sus hijos amados. 
Él te ama y hoy te dice: todo lo que sueñas, todo lo que me pides, te lo mereces... repítete esto siempre, ere merecedor de todo lo que sueñas en lo más profundo de tu corazon, pues él está alineado con lo que tengo para ti y cuando tu sigues tus sueños me sigues a mi. Cuando me sigues a mi, sigues tus sueños. No me guardo nada, no tengo porque guardarme nada, todo lo hice para ti, son tus sueños, tus deseos los mas profundos de ti van con plan para ti. Sueña sin limite, pide sin limite, síguelos con corazón puro y así no te desviaras más; no temas, no te detengas pensando que no mereces lo material, que debes pedir solo lo espiritual. En la pureza de tu corazon te lo mereces todo y él (tu corazón) no te dejará pasar por encima de nada ni nadie por algo material. La pureza de tu corazón te protege del mundo y de ti mismo

Estás muy cerca y afín a tu corazón; pide, desea, ve tras ellos que todo es puro, humilde y harás maravillas con toda la abundancia material de dinero y espiritual que te doy y te daré; es allí también donde se prueba el corazon, la fe, la lealtad a Dios, la bondad, la generosidad, la humildad... La abundancia financiera trae mucha responsabilidad y corazon puro para mantenerse puro y tu lo tienes. Tienes una pureza de corazon que el dinero no ha podido afectar y la abundancia financiera la usaras para bendecir y así mismo bendecirás tu vida mucho, mucho mas. 

Pide, pide, yo te lo daré multiplicado, pide grande, muy grande y así lo repartiras entre muchos y traerás bendiciones gigantes a tu vida y a la de los de los que te rodean.

Your light

Love, happiness, tranquility and peace Loving, power, doing is within you, your heart is light, it is the light that illuminates your path, it indicates where to go, look at its light, follow its light ask for much, wait I give you a lot, I have a lot, a lot for you.

Oye a tu corazon, los milagros que vienen en tu vida, sonrie, todo se hace realidad. 
Todo brilla, es un camino de luz, un camino Divino de Dios, de pureza de amor, sonrie siempre y mantendrás la luz.

Everything in time will be given, have faith, do not deviate ...

Toda situación tiene una razón, pero no te enloquezcas y te piedas buscandolas solo vívela, aprende y sigue.

Get up!

Get up, wake up! you have been asleep, do what you came to do, show your light to the world, you are deserving of everything. I give everything, get up, go and claim it, fear no more, I am your God, I order you to get up and go out to conquer the world. I arrived with everything I give you your light, I bring it to your feet and everything is glory to the Lord your God, open your eyes. The light comes on the light shines and everything is true lift! awake! Go fight and get everything.

The silence

Silence nourishes the soul, silence silences evil and opens the soul to hear God. Enjoy the silence, enjoy the peace that it brings. Silence is learning, everyone learns something different in a time of silence, something they need, something they lack. But silence loving, silence reflecting, silence evaluating has a great power and value that nothing else will give you. silence is powerful, silence is power, silence is to love, silence is to learn, it is a beautiful journey of love and wisdom, of discovery, of encounter of transformation, of change, like the silent butterfly on its caterpillar waits in silence , serenity and calm being ready to fly freely and be who God created her to be, so that they see her beauty. Wait in your silence knowing that soon everything will open, you will break chains, ties and you will be free ...

Love is light

The facts of life cloud the view, but love always gives light. That is the light that will guide you on your way. Look at the love and you will see your way. Love is seen with the heart, not with reason or logic.

God, the creator of the imposible

Haré lo imposible, cumpliré mis promesas donde para ti es imposible. Te daré en abundancia exquisita y excederé tus expectativas, todo brotará de la nada, pues soy el Dios creador y crearé donde menos los esperas y tendras todo y mas de lo que has pedido; pues soy abundancia, doy en abundancia a mis fieles, amor sin cesar y cumpliré lo que hoy para ti es imposible, lo que hoy no ves donde, eso y mas tendré para ti.
Recuerda, Yo soy creador, Yo creo todo y para mi nada, nada es imposible...

I know who you expect others to be

I know who you want them to be with you always. It's all the time! Be that person you are looking for, what you expect; Make details, caresses, smiles, everything you expect from the other do it yourself. Always, happy, free, loving freely, you are free, free to be who I believe you and that fills your whole soul with joy, happiness, love, freedom, it frees you from everything. You are love, you are me. You are my reflection on earth and they will see you if you act freely. I know who you are looking for in the other. If you act with love, without waiting. You will be the one they seek and you will fill thousands of lonely hearts, because you take me and you will fill them with Me.

Look the heart of others

The mocking enemy uses even the finest weapons to deceive, do not be carried away by people's appearances, only the heart tells the truth. Its real essence is in your heart, always try to see with your heart and if you don't see it or while you see it, arm yourself with serenity and wisdom will be your best defense. When the enemy attacks, in the serenity and silence of your heart you find the answers

El llanto alimenta y fortifica pues esta purificando el alma, limpiando de las ultimas asperezas del corazon, la soledad y la tristeza enseñan a ver la luz y frutos cuando llegan. Una vez germine la semilla, el frutos sera abundante de un árbol fuerte e irrompible pues viene de una semilla de amor de Dios.  

How to act with others?

Be who you want the other to be, current as you would like him to act, WITHOUT waiting, WITHOUT expectations because you will only do it to give what you want to receive. All the time act as you want the other to act but do not expect him to act as you would act, because he is not you, you are you and he is he, different beings who love differently, express differently, little by little you will understand.

Think with your heart, he is not weak or vulnerable and knows exactly where you should be, do not put his requests on trial, he is guiding you ...

Dedicate yourself to you, focus on yourself, do what you must do, follow your dreams, write them down, live them every day, read them every day. Focus on you and what you want to achieve in all aspects of your life, everyone ...

Corazon puro

La espada y el escudo del corazon no son el orgullo, ni el ego como te han hecho creer, es la pureza de sus actos, el desinterés al dar y sincero sentimiento, de que todo lo que hace, lo hace porque le nace. porque ama, porque dá una sonrisa, porque va de corazón a corazón sin esperar. Porque así lo siente, porque es Dios hablando por medio de él.

Kindness a daily purpose

Son, the goodness of the heart is an action of always, it is not a temporary purpose, it is a lifestyle, open your eyes, but those of the heart to see the hidden need of each one, the most hidden are the most needed and the most hard to find. Hear your voice, hear when he speaks to you about the other, because he guides you to do good to everyone, everyone deserves good, everyone deserves love, everyone seeks love, they have pains, fears, fears, everyone seeks to be understood, understood and loved. You don't have to know their history to understand them, I know who they need you to be. Hey ... what is it and do it: accompany, call, give them my word, bring words of love ...

Love words

What beauty the words of love bring to a needy heart are the best food, the best relief, the best remedy. How nice it is to say words of love, express openly, sincerely and without restrictions what the heart feels, try every day, tell someone every day that you love them, a different one every day, you will see the sparkle in their eyes, the joy from his heart, what a beautiful seed, are the words of love as they reach the soul and the heart. It expresses that every sentiment expressed is a seed of love in the heart and in the whole world. Go expressing love as someone who distributes flowers, without waiting, without stopping to look at what they are going to say, because you say it from heart to heart, without ego and vanity intervening the heart gives without waiting.

Oyendo tus prioridades...

Oye mi voz en el murmullo de la vida. 
Fijate en tus decisiones diarias, pues son la base de tu futuro. Lo que escojas hoy tendrás mañana, lo que le des prioridad hoy sera importante manana..tendras mas de eso mañana. 
Que quieres tener mañana? 
A que le estas dando prioridad? 
Observa cada decision con detalle, cada una es importante y tiene detrás una prioridad, es esa tu prioridad real? o estás escondiendo o evadiendo las prioridades de tu corazón por ir con segundarias? 
Qué es lo primero que te pide tu corazón? Que es importante para él? 
Que lo hace saltar de alegria? Quien lo hace saltar de alegría? Que le hace mas feliz que todo? 
Es eso lo que estás siguiendo? O lo estás callando con decisiones apresuradas y basado en cosas que te dan nada?
Quien gana tu atención? A quien le estas dando tu prioridad? Quién está ganando tu corazón? A quien está oyendo tu corazón?  
Estás oyendo tu corazón? o él te oye a ti? Quien está oyendo a quien? Quien debe oír a quien? A quién estás oyendo tú? 
Está acorde con tus prioridades? Como saberlo si no sabes cuales son tus prioridades?

Always express your love

Do not play with other people's feelings, do not do what you would not like to be done to you, everyone is worthy of love, everyone seeks love, always be clear and honest to express what you feel, both words of sincere love and words of non-love. Say what you feel always look for the right moment and say it.

You are the reflection of God's love

Always remember that love does not fail and it is worth doing everything with love in love, in the end it is the only thing that counts, because real love leads you to be who God created you to be. You were created to give love and be an example of love. You are pure love of God made human. Doing with love, acting with love is your mirror and there you see how I see you, the one who I believe, you are the reflection of love and that you will always see in that mirror where your reflection is your truth.

El amor siempre gana

If it is given with pure and real love, it is always won, there are always winners when love is pure and real. Love is always with us and is in all beings in the world, because everything is God's creation, giving love never fails, receiving love never fails. Love is perfect because it always brings benefit, does not harm, does not fail, with love always, always win. When you give real love to others you always win.
Hacer una obra diaria de amor diario a alguien diferente, lleva La Palabra en hechos
Don't let fear of the past affect your future TODAY
Se quien quieres que el otro sea, y sera como un espejo donde recibirás todo lo que das. 
Everything that is in your heart I have put there, everything is yours. I DO NOT PROMISE IN VAIN DO NOT GIVE UP

Giving love never fails

The way to reach others is through love, the way to act is by loving. Love is always the answer to treat those around us, it is the answer to everything, to every situation, it will always be a success when there is love involved. But it is success from how love sees it, not from the inquisitive and selfish eye. Keep loving as you love and you will always be successful, love in everything brings success to everything because love never fails.

Loving with freedom

Loving does not mean sharing life with them and making them belong to it, no! It is simply dealing with love, giving love while they are in your life, free to leave when they should without ties. Love does not bind, it does not need to bind, love is free, ties bite and make you suffer. A free love is happy, joyful and abides. Why should he leave or walk away from something that brings happiness? When have you walked away from something that gives you joy and fills your soul? You always seek to be close, next to what brings happiness to your life, it is not necessary to imprison, manipulate or control; it is simply about loving sincerely with the love of God. When you love with the love of God everything is at your feet, you treat with love, you give your best and expect nothing, because you have no ties, you are free and everyone loves freely, the more free, the closer you are .. strange not? Do the test, the freer the closer it is, treat with love a lot of love, free love and you will see that they will never leave your side because pure and free love makes happy who receives it and lets it be who it is, lets it be who God commanded him to be. You love your freedom you love more than many and if they will love you with freedom, if they loved you and let you be free? You would stay?

How to react to a thing in life

How many times does the world tempt you with logic, the "right" according to the laws of the world and the conditions of what is right, but it can be a simple temptation to divert to take out the human and wild side. So that pride beats wisdom to see if rage, manipulation win over serenity, peace and wisdom. Avoiding temptations is part of being wise, not letting the ego be the one to respond in any situation, it is never a good adviser, because it looks at everything with short, selfish thought and wild reaction of the world.

If I do something good and I am rejected, what do I do?

What if you do and you are loved? Your actions always leave a mark on the other and on ME, act looking at Me, not the other, only I always see the goodness in your heart! There are blind people in the world who stumble and do not see the goodness of the other, it does not make them bad, they are only blind. But your kindness and your acts of kindness always leave a mark on each heart that receives it. Do acts of kindness, without waiting, without judging, with purity ... That you worry about rejection shows that you expect something. And if what you want is for them to receive it because you know it will make them happy, even if they are blind or blind it is possible that it will not make them happy, there the problem is not the act of kindness it is the blindness that they have inside. Remember goodness of heart, of purity they work miracles and they can turn their eyes and open hearts; not necessarily you, nor for you, you may not even see it. but if you were to leave the indelible mark of your goodness, then acts like that are not received frequently. Whoever watches those acts is Me and in the sincerity and purity of the act is its value.
No esperes mas, abre tus ojos! tu vida está llena de sorpresas que diariamente te doy con todo mi amor inagotable... todos los dias.
Everything that is in your heart I have put there, everything is yours. I DO NOT PROMISE IN VAIN DO NOT GIVE UP

Inexhaustible abundance

Vivan en abundancia, Yo se las doy, solo falta que la vean, la recojan, la aprovechen, es de ustedes, este es un mundo de abundancia creado para ustedes. Abundancia en todo en amor, paz, libertad, sabiduria, tu mismo eres un mundo de abundancia tu mismo puedes dar abundancia a quienes te rodean, a todos les doy dones abundantes para que compartan y den a quienes les falta, no son para guardarlos y conservarlos no!
Pues no se acaban, son para darlos siempre, en todo momento a toda persona. Tu tienes dones y talentos especiales que solo tu puedes dar, solo tu puedes valorar. Tu conjunto de talentos es único y como lo das y cómo lo reciben los que te rodean también es único, nadie más puede darle a quienes te rodean lo que tu tienes para darles, es unico, tuyo y solo tuyo. Esa es tu abundancia inagotable, esa y el amor de Dios.

Eres triunfador en fe

You have triumphed over everything, your joy is your triumph, your faith is your triumph, nobody could take away your faith, peace or joy. Your heart becomes purer every day, strengthened by faith. Accepting the will of God in peace and joy is spiritual growth, you have taken a great step of faith, liberator, you have understood your faith and you carry everything with love, joy, peace and understanding. Congratulate yourself! your worldly feelings will not sabotage your peace or the designs of God, nor his will. You are free in God, free from everything that hurts you. God protects you and takes care of you. Accept your greatness, God gave it to you, live it every day and give it to everyone.

Be obedient

Be obedient and follow him, without thinking of prejudices, or what others will say, follow him, live his will day by day, in obedience without judging, only loving and giving everything that he gives you everything, all your gifts. Say so be it, so shall I

God's Plan

Failure to see beyond does not allow them to understand God's commands that they are one and must be obeyed, without seeing what the world says, without expecting to be accepted by the world and by people in authority who could make them believe that they speak the truth. . But the important thing is that God says that he sent to do God, what was the mission that he put in us, that you were sent to the world. As they are great plans we do not see well without we do not see them with God's eyes to see what God wants because with the world's eyes everything will be judged and condemned. The important thing is that God says.

God made you free

In your freedom you discover your greatness, you are free, that's how God made you, you are free in God, you are free to be who He created. You no longer have those earthly bonds that bring doubts and fears. Your freedom gives you security and firmness, trust and greatness, because you are free in God, you love with freedom, because you love with heavenly love, spontaneity because you do not fear, you do not wait, you are without planning, without waiting.

The weakness of faith

Cuando te abandones completamente en mi, cuando haces oido sordos a lo que grita el mundo, cuando no juzgas situaciones, ni personas, cuando obedeces, cuando das pasos firmes guiados por mi, la firmeza es importante, denota fe, confianza y obediencia, cuando crees que no te oigo tus peticiones y sales a querer solucionar tu, ahi falta fe. Ahi tropiezas y caes... Yo te levanto y seguimos.

La flaqueza de la fe es inevitable, el mundo esta lleno engaños y trampas que te quieren hacer creer que no complire mis promesas, no te dejes engañar!
Cuando sientas que viene la tentación y la duda, la angustia, el dolor es una caída temporal, las cosas no parecen salir como son aferrate a mi duro, con fuerza. 
Y si es necesario gritarle a la tentación, sonrie, llenate de amor, medita, toma un momento de silencio y óyeme, es difícil en esos momentos, lo se, pues la duda trae miles de miedos consigo, se arma de lo peor y te lo presenta para asustarte, pero tu solo dile Dios esta conmigo y tu no eres nadie, contra Dios nadie y poco a poco veras como se desvanecen y volveran nada, porque son nada, junto a tu fe, junto a Mi no son nada. Se alimentan de tus propios miedos, recuerdos y frustraciones... por eso si les sonríes y muestras amor pierden toda fuerza. 

You are not perfect...

Do daily love exercises with everyone you come across, starting with you, if there is no love in you, you have no love to give. But you are fortunate to have a heart made of love, full of Me, where you have allowed me to enter and inhabit, guide you, hear you and love you, you always take me with you and a heart full of me is never alone. And if you make a mistake, soon recognize and correct, you are not perfect and you never will be and nobody is expecting you to be, because on earth nobody is, and they are not the ones to demand such an impossible task, but the world is nobody to demand nothing, the only one to whom you must report is to Me, to comply is to Me, the world confuses, deceives and lets itself be carried out by banalities, do not fall into its trap, follow me and I will take you by the beauty of the world, leaving On the one hand, their useless demands that do not bring true happiness or lead to a pure heart like yours.

Give what you expect from others to give

Se tú el primero, da lo que quieres recibir, ama sin esperar, espera en serenidad y vive en paz contigo y con los demás. 
Toda acción tuya debe darte paz, no hay control sobre los demás, solo tienes control sobre ti y sobre cómo te afectan las acciones del otro. Es por eso que debes estar armado de amor, pues es la única respuesta a la maldad, si es que te la encuentras. Y es que la maldad no es maldad, es simplemente falta de amor real en un corazon.

Keep in mind how good you do

I'm not counting how many times you fail, how many you fall, I count how many you get up, how many you obey, how many you love, how many you follow me ... I smile with each of your achievements, your struggles, your joys, you do so much and you should see it , love yourself for doing so much, don't demand more of yourself, you do a lot. Be patient with yourself and thank yourself. Write down everything you do to improve, how many you obey me, focus on what you do, not what you don't do, focus on your qualities, not your flaws. Look at your beauty and the beautiful daily actions and you will see that little by little you leave aside what you do not like about yourself, you forget about your weaknesses. Remember what we take into account the most is what is most cultivated, what do you want to cultivate? In which part of the horizon do you want to focus on the vastness or on what damages or impairs your sight? It is your daily decision, constant and in everything. Life is happier when you put aside what you don't like, what you don't have, what you lack, what you long for and you focus on what you want, what you love, what you have and everything how good and beautiful your life is.

Don't be tempted

No te dejes tentar, cuando más cerca estamos del camino de Dios mas grandes, crueles y fantasiosas son las tentaciones, son espejismos malvados que te muestran lo que quieres ver, pero en el fondo, sabes que no es cierto. Pero tu eres fuerte, firme y sabio. Los espejismos solos caerán sin mucho esfuerzo, mantente firme en el camino que vas y llegaras donde te quiere ver Dios. 
No temas a las tentaciones, vas de Mi mano, no te dijo desviar, has tenido muchas tentaciones mas fuertes y has salido triunfador 

Enjoy every moment...

Son, enjoy every moment, every stage of your life each one is an opportunity to be happy and make those around you happy. Search every day for someone to give your love, to whom to give my messages, you are a being of love, of peace, of tenderness and you have a lot to give. Use the tools I have given you to reach everyone.

What makes your heart happy?

If you listen to what makes your heart happy, if you become aware daily of all your acts, thoughts, actions and you do everything by listening to the heart, following My will through the voice of your heart you will be very happy. I do not ask that you sacrifice your life, nor your true happiness (not the temporary, not the ego, not the vanity) the happiness of the soul, it is yours and my greatest wish is that you be happy, because I would have to create you to see you suffer? I am not cruel, I am love, I am peace, I am your heart.

Take care of me and I'll take care of you ...

Take care of me and I will take care of you, take care of the mission, give my Word with ACTIONS and I will take care of everything you need, I do not keep anything. I give you everything. But like this, you also give everything, give all of yourself, not until you are exhausted, no! Well, they are selfless works, generous for the good of the other, seeking the good of the other, NEVER going through their own good, I do not ask you for sacrifices for them, no! All the good acts for each one with love, with generosity, altruism, highlighting the importance of the action, not the response of the other, remember you only have control over yourself and self-love and love for others. When you give real love all doors open to you, love opens hearts, heals wounds, makes you happy, even if you don't see it, even if you don't show it, it's always like this, disinterested acts of love are very valuable in the heart of those who love you. receives.

I do not promise in vain

There is no oath in vain, there is no promise in vain, coming from me. I want to confirm you so that you live in peace, the one that gives you my promises should not be a cause of anguish, impatience, or demands, it is simply to give you peace and tranquility and know that what your heart said will come true, all in time, The more impossible, the more real because you strengthen your faith and confirm my glory and mercy. Every day with patience I confirm my promises to you, every day I show my love for you, but the time has not yet come, do not create more delays with the doubt, because it creates anguish, despair and makes you see everything more confused, in serenity and peace is the answer to everything

Firm steps

Caminos sin desvíos, caminos de luz, caminos de amor, caminos de Dios. Camino en ti grandeza con pasos agigantados proporcionales a ti a la grandeza que piso Dios en ti. Vas como humano caminando para poder llegar tan cerca cuando realmente tienes todo para llegar lejos. Estas lleno de compasión, amor, comprension, serenidad a los demás. Tu serenidad y tranquilidad te hace ir mas alla mas lejos, donde debes ir. Pero vas a pasos lentos, dudando de ti, de tus capacidades, de tu capacidad de amor, de comprender, de saber llegarle al corazón del otro. Vas tímidamente andando como sino conocieras quien eres. Como perdido, como sin rumbo. Como sino supieras que este es tu rumbo y solo tuyo. Tan certero como tu fe, como tu amor, como tu, como Yo.

Escuchame y obedece

Prometeme diaramente que me oiras hazlo com un proposito diario independiente del ayer y del manana, es una promesa hoy y de este instante.
En cosas cotidianas y evidentes te he mostrado la importancia de la obediencia, prometeme que lo haras hoy 

Express what you feel

Do not let vanity and ego trip what you feel and play with those you love, they are vain, without scruples that only bring disappointment, anger, pain ... they are insatiable! How is it possible to make something that is insatiable happy? Express all the time with words of love, with tenderness, compassion, understanding, without waiting, just say that it hurts and everything will be different, nobody guesses that you have in your heart. Be clear, say what you always feel, but with love and without expecting anything

Each one gives proportional to what they have, not what they receive

In your heart are all the signs, the other can speak to you with facts, words, tell you everything, do everything, but if your heart does not want to see them, does not see them, misinterprets them, close your eyes to them. It is impossible for me to see with the closed eyes of the heart, you will not see anything, you will only stumble and even fall. Open them with confidence, the first thing you will see will be my love for you. Sometimes you feel that you do great things, for you they are great gestures, but if the other did them for you they are very little, they would not tell you anything. Now think, put yourself in his place, and think about what the other does for you and how you receive it. If you were giving, would the gesture be big or small? Would it be little or would it be a lot and how would you react? you like? do you accept it how much love do you show your reactions to their acts of love. Remember, each one gives proportional to what he has not to what he receives, for you it may be little, because you have a lot, but for him it may be giving everything, because he has little or it is all he has. IS IT BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO MORE OR NO MORE FOR ME? That question is asked by the ego, the vanity or your heart? If it is vanity and ego, nothing will ever be enough because they are insatiable, unbearably insatiable. But if it is the heart, he sees with other eyes, receives with other feelings, knows the other's heart and has compassion and is happy to receive from that person, because he knows his effort and the fact that it is a lot, he is grateful and bless everything you receive. Be careful who you are receiving and who is responding to what you receive. Sometimes it is not how much they give you, it is with what and as you receive, remember happiness comes from within, a heart full of love is happy and it is not from external love it is from self-love, from my love, nothing fills more than me love, nothing brings more feeling of being full and complete than my love.

Transform aggressive attitudes by waves of love

My life will be a reflection of all my actions, just like a mirror.

God forgives and does not treat us according to our faults

When will you look at yourself with my eyes?

Love is not a competition

Always remember to hear the voice of your heart, why do you want to silence it? Why do you want to appease her while waiting for a response from the other? of something external to you? Remember the heart does not act as reason, nor logic, nor is it guided by things in the world, the heart is guided by love, pure love. Stop competing! have you not understood that love is not a competition? How sad that you still think that love competes like this, that you let yourself be carried away by vanity and ego.

Let yourself be guided by the love and peace of the heart

Life and the enemy will always set you up to see if you let yourself be carried away by feelings that you like so much, anger, pride, impatience, sadness, do not let yourself be manipulated, always return to your heart if you erred forgive yourself, remedy the situation do not let accumulate feelings, you must say everything in due time all feelings must be expressed with love and tenderness, not with anger, pain because you say painful things. They are never received the same: love and tenderness reach the heart, anger and pain reach the ego and the mind and are interpreted differently. Do not fall into their traps, they are dirty and hurt. May peace always guide your steps.

Patience with yourself and with others

I have asked you, do not be so demanding of yourself, nobody wants you to be perfect, love your imperfections, love yourself as you are, you cannot do everything so exactly, it is okay if you are wrong, the most important thing is the purity of your actions, of your heart, your thoughts, that you repent and FORGIVE yourself. I give you an example of forgiveness, forgiveness to someone who is really sorry and does not want to do it again and can fall back and repent, ask for forgiveness, little by little you learn, it is a process and have the patience to wait, forgive and love you. Act as your heart dictates, that you have real peace inside your heart is fine, because there I am. Take your time to evaluate it, especially in determining decisions and decisions of love in your life, these are not taken lightly, eagerly, or impulse, the impulse is always driven by pride, ego, vanity, rage, not for love or for me.

Do not judge...

No juzgues, no seas inquisidor, para de juzgar a quienes te rodean, para de ser tan injusta y llegar a conclusiones basadas en nada, mira con ojos limpios, llenos de perdón y que miran con pureza sin buscar juzgar ni buscar el error, busca amor, comprension, compasion, no busques el error
I am not looking, nor counting every crime, every mistake, and then I won't pass the bill on you! Neither should you, you are not the one to punish yourself, forgive me! Today, right now, every day, all the time. Your soul is pure, your heart noble, do not judge it so coldly or severely, neither yours nor anyone else's heart, everyone is worthy of love, everyone receives love from everyone, gives love to everyone. Think of everyone you see on a daily basis

Every act of love comes from God and goes to God

Waiting in patience and serenity is not punishment, it is wisdom, it is faith, it is knowing that it is coming, knowing that it will be accomplished even when you see nothing.

Do not ask for something that you are not willing to give, your actions must be consistent with your requests. Not just me but those around you and the world

Be humble of heart, accept God, his help and you will find rest and peace. This way it will be easier to carry the loads and you will not be so exhausted.

Confía aun cuando parece todo perdido

Confía en Él, que en las horas más oscuras cuando parece que llega el final, es realmente el gran comienzo de algo sin igual y maravilloso. Cuando parece que todo esta perdido a nuestros ojos, es cuando algo inmenso y maravilloso viene, es cuando las promesas de Dios se cumplen.
Mientras las horas oscuras, mantente en fe, cerca de él, ele enemigo quiere que desfallezcas para que no llegues a ver las maravillas de Dios. Pero tu, mi guerrero incansable, vencerás todo y el enemigo no te derribará, tienes la gracia de Dios y eso no lo vence nada ni nadie!

Hey your heart

Always remember to hear your heart there will be times when it will seem 'the right thing' to do one thing or another but when you deep inside your heart you know no.

Dios es la Guia

Lord, help me to always act with wisdom, love, serenity and compassion, in everything I do or say. May you be my guide always ...

Act with eyes on the Creator

The only approval you should seek is that of God, not that of the world that little knows the world of God's designs>. Who knows little of goodness, compassion, love. Look with direct eyes at the creator, there you will have the answers to everything. If God approves that action, those words, that attitude, that act of love, do it, say it, take action. But if it is to please the world, your ego, your vanity, are acts in vain, without any fruit. Act as Jesus would act and the fruits will be immense.

Your faith has brought you here ...

En lo invisible has visto lo visible, 
has visto mis promesas y mi amor a ti, 
aun en las tinieblas, en la oscuridad entre miedo, angustia y soledad has creído en mi, 
has tropezado pues no veías por donde ibas y aun seguías creyendo en mi, 
aun si ver, aun sin oirme, 
aun peleando tu guerra interna con sentimientos mundanos que te gritaban abandonarás tu fe, mis promesas, que no creyeras, 
tu seguiste caminando con buen fiel, como buen hijo, 
creyendo ciegamente en lo que un dia te prometi, 
cerraste tu ojos y viendo en tu mente mis promesas cumplir, 
tu mi hermoso fiel, mi guerrero, has ganado!
tu fe te ha traído hasta acá, herido de todos tus tropiezos, casi agonizante de tanto dolor, 
pero con tu fe intacta, con tu amor a mi intacto,
 que gran recompensa has ganado mil veces más grande que tu fe y miles de veces más feliz y grande de lo que imagino tu mente. 
Sucederá lo que has creído, 
has creído en todas mis promesas aun cuando no has visto nada,
no te dejaste enceguecer ni desviar por el mundo, por la logica, por el desprecio ni el rechazo del mundo,
has ganado todo, has obtenido todo la grandeza de las promesas que te cumplire no tiene limite y te imaginas poco, 
has llegado triunfador, se ilumina tu camino, 
veras la luz, mi luz, tu luz, tu resplandor en el mundo, en tu mundo 
y veras todo, todo lo que te rodea, todas las riquezas, las promesas, el amor, el perdon, 
ya no habrá soledad ni tinieblas en el mundo que cree para ti.

Pure love expects nothing ...

In the end, the important thing is who you loved, how you loved them, who loved them so much ... Why it is love that leads you to do everything good, everything of God, everything correct. When you love with real love, you love like God, He acts through you. Love is not an effort, it comes from the depths of your heart, without pain. If you love and it hurts, it is not love, it is what your humanity expects of it, because in its purity there is no room for pain. If you love and it hurts, for a moment and think that it hurts you, that it is causing you pain, soon you will find pride, ego, vanity, self-interest and that is what hurts, not love. Waiting for someone else to do what I hope for, pure love DOES NOT WAIT FOR ANYTHING, do not let yourself be clouded by what the world expects of love, just let yourself be carried away by what is in your heart and you will be happy. If you suffer, it is for the world and its demands, not for love.

Everything Will Be Compensated

Todo sera compensado nada ha sido en vano, en los ojos del Señor ningún esfuerzo , ninguna lagrima del corazón es en vano. El te mira y sabe que lleva tu corazón, su poder, su amor, su pureza y todo sera compensado, recompensado con grandes, grandes cosas que jamás imaginaste fueran posibles, El hace cosas imposibles, eres luz en sus ojos y para quienes te rodean y en el mundo mereces todo, todo lo que desea tu corazón.

Give Love Without Measure ...

You already know how to love with love, your love is already pure, only you let yourself be clouded with earthly expectations. Love is above everything, choosing love you are never wrong, but remember love is in everything, or only as a couple, you go astray thinking of only love for a couple and it is love for everyone around you. They are my children, like you, waiting for love, like you. Why wait for them to give love and not give your first? the first one who gives wins twice the respondent wins, everyone wins when love is given. Love is present at all times giving opportunities every minute think about every moment of your life you have the opportunity to give love. How generous is God! In all the minutes of our lives we can give love. Love yourself, fill your heart with love for everyone to the least deserving, because remember, love is not selective nor is it given to those who deserve, nor is it deprived of those who do not deserve it. First you want to determine if they deserve or not love? Second, love is given to all without measure. God is not measured in love, do not do it either, love beyond measure, that the love given is multiplied and rewarded to the one who gives it, it does not matter if to whom you gave love I do not value it, do not be discouraged, the reciprocity of love it doesn't always come from the same person

Do not ask for what you are not willing to give ...

Do not ask for something that you are not willing to give, your actions must be consistent with your requests, not only to me, but to those around you and the world. It is not difficult to love, the difficult thing is to love waiting, it is to have a conditioned love that varies according to the situation. If you love without waiting, you receive more enjoy today what you have today, without thinking how long it will last or what happens if I say or do this or that if I do this and not this. In the heart is everything, all the answers, that you don't like or that your ego gets in the way of is something else. The more I tell you the less you believe. You asked me not to delay, to comply soon, but you are slow to obey, doubt creates delay. So stop delaying everything, be obedient, do what I tell you NOW! and there will be no more delay! Do not blame me for your delays, give yourself the opportunity to love I take you by the hand, my girl, on this road so that you do not fear.

Con obediencia llegas más rápido

Just hear my voice and obey and everything will be easier. Do the test! I have shown it to you even in the silliest examples; But the important thing is that you follow them in the relevant ones, which help you get where you are going faster. Think that my voice is the voice of a GPS that tells you where to turn, which route to take, how to avoid traffic and delays. Do not turn a deaf ear for pride, vanity, ego or waiting for the other, they have their own voice with their own GPS guiding. Temptation and deviation are always waiting for you, hold fast to what you want and my promises.

Para oir, hay que saber callar...

When are you going to stop the noise of life and listen to me? When are you going to make everything easier for you and listen and obey me, without distractions? The world is full of distractions, mirages, delusions, put your priorities in order! Appreciate silence, peace, silence thoughts, superstitions, questions of the past, uncertainties of the future, hear my voice and silence yours. To hear you have to know how to be silent ...

Beware of temptations

The closer we are to the way of God, the greater, cruel and fantasy are the temptations, with evil mirages that show you what you want to see, deep down you know it is not, but you are strong, firm and wise. The mirages alone will fall without much effort, stand firm on the path you are going and you will get where God wants to see you. Do not fear temptations, you go out of my hand, I do not let you deviate, you have had many stronger temptations and you have emerged victorious.

Loving others, more than yourself

Amar a los demás más que así mismo, no es pasar por encima tuyo por los demás, es dar amor puro a quienes te rodean, sincero, sin intenciones ocultas. Es amar sin interés propio, solo lleno de pureza pues pondrás el interés del otro antes que el tuyo, pero jamás pasando por encima tuyo. El amor puro no pasa por encima de nadie, todo lo que da es puro y está rodeado de sentimientos puros. No permitas confundirte con desamor tuyo y fanatismo por el otro no! Eso es insano y no beneficia a nadie, ni al que recibe ese amor.

Hey my whisper ...

Son you have my blessing wherever you go, I go from your hand, to your side, whispering in your ear where to go, what to do, what to say, where to give love, to whom, how much ... Remember that the world screams and I whisper . Focus on my voice no matter how far away you hear it. The world is full of trickery, mirage, they promise a lot and give nothing. The only way is to hear me, the only way to avoid pain and remorse is to hear me in the depths of your heart. If there is confusion or doubt, it is not I who is speaking to you, it is the world and I am defending you, that is why it is confusion. Temptation is a dirty trap that is always waiting for you to fall to laugh at you. But I am there to lift you up, heal you and guide you. Always pray and you will be at peace in your heart, free yourself from the temptations of the world, it is a daily struggle that plays with appearance, that seems to offer happiness, but all this is temporary, temporary, nothing is permanent and always leaves a bitterness, a bitterness once it happens. Use laziness, vice, rage, pride, vanity, ego and so many more to manipulate you, they are vain they play dirty and take you away from what you really want. They like conflict, war, sadness, they feed on seeing stray from the path, from the lost, from loneliness, from the bitterness of those who see ... Protect yourself with my Word, stay firm to the voice of your heart, act with firm love, your actions should always be firm, not out of pride, but because there should be no doubts, not the slightest doubt, firm! They should not be carried away by fear or uncertainty, because if I am the one who guides you in a whisper, there is no need to doubt or be afraid, do not be confused or cloud the mind with outings and actions that feed the ego, the pride ... all that is temporary, the true feelings and permanent actions are fed by love, joy in the heart, peace, and they are firm, very firm.

Mira el otro al corazón

The mocking enemy uses even the finest weapons to deceive, do not be carried away by people's appearances, only the heart tells the truth. Its real essence is in your heart, always try to see with your heart and if you don't see it or while you see it, arm yourself with serenity and wisdom will be your best defense. When the enemy attacks, in the serenity and silence of your heart you find the answers

Don't judge yourself so strong

You must judge the least yourself, the one you must forgive the most, is yourself. Why carry such a hard rule with yourself, judging yourself strongly, without mercy, without love, as if you were perfect. Love yourself, appreciate everything you do for yourself, for others, look at yourself as I look at you, as others look at you, with pure love ... Love yourself, love yourself, do not judge yourself so hard, so strong, have mercy, compassion, compression, you are the pride of many, example of so many, do not look at it as a burden or a responsibility, it is a triumph! a tribute to your good deeds, to your heart to your actions ... it is not a burden that you carry trying to fulfill the expectations of others, you have earned it for acting as you act, for loving as you love, for being who you are, today From now on you will thank yourself every day for what you do for yourself and for others, for every time you contain your wild side, for every time you give love to those who cost so much, for doing and acting with mercy.

Actúa con Sabiduría & Serenidad, no con agresividad

If something bothers you, let it be the wisdom that expresses that annoyance, not anger, anxiety, impatience, rudeness, they are not good counselors and they deliberately act by passing over all the feelings of those around them, including yours. If you stop, breathe and look with calm eyes, thinking that you are not the one to judge, looking with understanding and compassion and then letting wisdom act, your reactions to life will be wiser, calm, firm and you will regret less for react hastily with your human and earthly side, full of external and contradictory feelings to what your heart really wants and carries.

Look at your heart, do not get carried away by vain feelings ...

Fill your heart with feelings of love and all those around pure love. Keep in prayer and close to your heart to avoid letting yourself be carried away by earthly feelings of selfishness, anger, revenge, anguish and everything that surrounds vanity and they are vain, meaningless feelings that go against what your heart wants. In your heart there are only pure feelings that go according to what your heart wants, but in your ego there are the feelings wanting to sabotage and end everything that your heart builds. It does not support the purity and genuineness of every action of your pure heart and full of pure love. Do not let yourself be controlled or manipulated, they know what to say so that you do what they want, so you know that it is not right and it will hurt you or you will hurt someone else. They are sabotaging, mocking, insatiable who only seek to destroy what the heart builds, disguise and deceive. Stay in prayer and defend yourself from them, no matter how masked they are. You know who they are and when they arrive. Do not be tempted, if you feel you are being tempted, stop and take a moment to pray. If there are doubts in your actions. If you feel that something is not right, it is Me speaking to you and waking you up so that you pray and do not fall into temptation. Temptation is so little that it feeds on manipulating others, it cannot feed on itself, it is so empty, so vain, that it lives on others, it is little, as well as vanity, revenge, anger, laziness, pride, doubt ... they are little, without you they are nobody because they do not stand on their own, look how insignificant they are, they die quickly when love looks at them. They are crumbs of nothing, when pure love approaches them and the heart full of love looks at them, they are crumbs that vanish just by looking at them. They believe so much that in the end they know they are nothing, look how insignificant they are next to everything beautiful in your heart, they are nothing. And every time they get smaller, more insignificant, the only thing that dominates in you is pure love, serenity, understanding, understanding, peace, piety, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, joy, happiness, service, dedication, faith ... Those are gigantic, immense, they are part of the Divine immensity, fill your life, your heart. Your life is full of all those feelings you are full, surrounded, flooded, everything you see, touch, hear, look have some of those feelings in abundance. Everything beautiful surrounds you in abundance, it is invaded by beauty, love, tenderness, serenity, patience, peace, compassion.

Hey and obey

Hijo, esta atento a como te hablo, como te doy mis mensajes, no esperes ángeles y luces del cielo, simplemente en lo profundo de tu mente y corazón está mi voz hablándote siempre, guiandote siempre, oyeme! No compliques tu vida oyendo el orgullo y el ego, solo satisfacen temporalmente. Oye mi voz que cuando te guia, la satisfacción es para siempre. 
Oír tu corazón, tu voz del alma, obedecer sin juzgar, sin cuestionar, sin entender, ni observar. Lo importante es la obediencia sin cuestionar las razones, el porqué ni el para que, actuar en el momento, todo tiene su momento, todo tiene su tiempo exacto y recibir a Dios y lo que nos da  cuando obedecemos. Eso ya es un paso gigante, obedecer sin cuestionar, analizar, sin razonar. 
Aveces el mensaje, no es para ti, tu eres el instrumento que DIos usó y el regalo es para el otro de parte de Dios, es por eso que no debes juzgar, ni cuestionar, asi como eres receptor, eres emisor, eres instrumento. El instrumento es tan importante como el mensaje que transmite, pues a veces solo él puede hacerlo. Aveces las ordenes no tendrán sentido en la mente humana, pero deben ser obedecidos sin pensar el porque, después entenderán  el porque, se que todos los humanos quieren saber el por qué.

Cuando oigas la voz, para un momento, escucha, obedece inmediatamente, así tu logica y razonamiento te digan lo contrario, deja la soberbia y oyeme! 

In time of trouble ...

Descansa en mi, relájate y tranquilo, yo hago todo por ti. 
Déjame actuar, tranquila, déjame ser Dios y actuar en tu vida. 
Tu solo ten fe y confía en mi
Deja todas las angustias, tus lagrimas, tu impotencia, desesperos, impaciencias, y déjame actuar.
Hagamos hoy, hagámoslo esta semana, olvídate de que te angustia, que te afana, que te duele, que esperas y pon toda, toda tu fe en mi y al final de la semana evaluaremos...
Sin juzgarte, sin reprocharte, si te sientes angustiada, perdónate y sonríe, recuerda mis palabras, es un proceso, no es magia, no dejas mágicamente tus angustias.
Es un hermoso proceso de crecimiento espiritual, disfruta el proceso y amate y agradece por hacerlo. 
Aprecia tu esfuerzo y date las gracias, sonriente y dedicate a sentir paz y consentirte, es la tarea  que te doy para esta semana. 
Te vas a consentir,  tranquilizar y te vas a regalar la paz, mi paz en tu corazón, todo me dejas a mi,
todo lo que harás no debe ser gran esfuerzo ni un sufrimiento ni un sacrificio, solo serán actos de amor hacia ti y a los demás, no harás ningún acto que te cause angustia, ni dejaras que nada ni nadie te cause angustia, porque sabes que me has llevado y yo estoy a cargo.
Cara vez que sientas angustias, miedos, dolor, incertidumbre entrégamelo, es mío, no tuyo.
Lo tuyo es la paz, la tranquilidad
Ten certeza que todo lo tengo Yo en mis manos, todo
De ti no espero sino paz y tranquilidad, alegría, felicidad, son unas vacaciones de tus preocupaciones y angustias. Disfrútalas!

Acts of love, peace of heart

Faith is faith, and not seeing my promises, getting tired, seeming that my messages are not as you think is a simple weakness of faith, faith is believing without seeing, it is difficult, I know. But do not let yourself be diverted, everything is very good, everything is as it should be, everything is where it should be, love this moment, it will not return, in a short time you will see what I tell you and you will understand. Patience and faith are difficult, but remember they are daily acts that little by little become a lifestyle. One act at a time, one moment at a time, be patient with yourself, compassion, start with yourself, don't push yourself too hard, your heart is pure and full of love. Acts of mercy, acts of humility are acts of love. Measure the fault with your actions, if I forgive because you don't? everything is corrected with firm love, with communication. But no communication of indirect message and accumulated feeling, not direct communication and with love, in the moment. Rabies has other hidden feelings, find them, find them, express them before letting rage dominate. Rededicate yourself to making acts of love, that is the lifestyle to follow. what gives your heart peace are pure feelings that are clear and not hidden and dark. Do not falter, you are very close, smile, your path is of love not of pain, I am with you. They are acts of love, humility, truth, peace ... Peace in the heart is the presence of God.

If you look for me with despair

If you look for me with despair and anguish I will disturb you and will not let you see me, firm or feel me, look for me in the peace of your heart with serenity, with patience, with love, with tranquility. I hear you, I see you, I know you, patience will always be essential at all times, it is not a temporary test, it is a tool of life. Everything is in its place, stop doubting, doubts cause anguish and anguish delays.

In Relationships With Others

Da amor, que sea amor quien guíe todos tus actos, tus pasos, tus palabras, tus sentimientos. 

Tomate el tiempo que necesites, respira profundo, consulta tu corazón y responde. Cada respuesta, cada acto debe traerte paz, sino sientes paz, espera, medita, piensa que la acción o la palabra correcta esta en camino. Mientras mas lo practiques mas fácil sera, mas me oirás, mas oirás tu corazón. 
Si tienes dudas, si las pruebas que quieres y esperas aun no llegan, mientras tanto da amor, no te equivocas cuando das amor, no es un desperdicio, no es una deshonra, no pierdes, no te debilitas, no te desgastas, no estas vulnerable. 
Recuerda, siempre, siempre, dar amor desde dejar ser al otro como es, entenderlo, verlo desde su punto de vista, darle el beneficio de la duda, creer no te quiere ofender, que solo quiere tu bien. 
Mira mas alla de las palabras, mírales con ojos de amor, del amor de Jesus, de amor de Dios, llenos de compasión, de perdon, de paciencia, de entendimiento, llenos de amor. 

Tres cosas usaras para evaluar y tres para reaccionar:
Para valorar / evaluar: compasión, paciencia, entendimiento
Para reaccionar: Amor, perdón, paz.

La comunicación es la llave que abre o cierra corazones, di palabras de amor y entrega perdón y todo ira mejor. 
Hay mucho amor y poca expresión, poca comunicación. Dale al otro espacio y libertad para entregarte su corazón con palabras de amor, mira más allá de las frases, leelas con el corazón, oyelas con el corazón, no con ojos de juzgador e inquisidor  buscando siempre el error, quien vive feliz buscando el error? Quien es quien para juzgar sin amor en cada error? Busca en cada palabra el amor, el mensaje, la comunicación, tu ves más alla y lo sabes, pero te dejas enceguezer con tonterías, no te dejes tentar, mira mas allá. 

Al principio habrá tentación, pues el enemigo es burlón y se ríe de su manipulación, pero el amor es mas fuerte y contra él nada puede. No te dejes perturbar, no te dejes nublar, atacar, llevar por pequeñeces, mira la intención real, mira el corazón, mira el amor y esas pequeñeces desaparecen, se disipan y domina el amor, la compresión, la paciencia, el entendimiento y el perdón. Siempre puedes encontrar razones para alejarte para vengarte, para tener rencor, asi como también tendrás razones para amar, perdonar, comprender, ser compasivo, bondadoso, ser feliz. Cual quieres seguir? preguntalelo siempre pues la tentación del desvío siempre esta ahi. La tentación está en lo grande y en lo pequeño, hasta en lo mas ínfimo está la tentación, mantente en fe, en conexión con Dios y ocultaras la tentación.  

Forgive you

Measure the fault with your actions. If I forgive why don't you? everything is corrected with love, not with acts of pride and rage. It is corrected with firm love, with communication, but not indirect communication and accumulated feelings, no! It is with direct communication and with love, in the moment. Anger has other hidden feelings, find them, find and express them, before letting yourself be dominated by anger. Rededicate yourself to making acts of love, that is the lifestyle to follow, what gives peace to your heart are pure, clear and not hidden and dark feelings.

Change your expectations, give without waiting

Change your expectations, that is, do not think as much as human with feelings of the world. look at the spiritual, the heart, the love, what they give you and how they give them. Leave aside rules, lists and demands that you put on yourself. Look with eyes of love, do not expect anything that is what you are or expect, that will always bring disappointments, they are all different. Enjoy and value the only thing in each one, the only thing they bring in your life, that only that person can bring. Look at them as they are, simple humans with the same desire to be loved and valued as you have. Rate them, love them and tell them their qualities, look at their beauty, focus on their qualities, the rest comes by itself. Do not look for their mistakes, everyone does it, but you, you will focus on seeing their virtues, their qualities, their beauty, because remember, I believe them and everyone has a piece of Me in them. Take the test, from today focus on its good things and DISELAS and tomorrow you will tell me what happened. Look at them with other lenses, not with yours expecting them to be as you want them to be, with rigid and specific expectations; they are not a puzzle piece that fits you perfectly. Do not! They are a piece that when united with yours will form another one. No matter how perfect they are for you, they will not be an exact piece that fits in the hole of your heart that you have destined for him. It is tolerance, patience, compassion, love and many more virtues that make them fit together. They also want something from you and expect from you, it is two. It is a mutual work that requires part and part. Just always remember, if you don't get to where you wanted to, you made someone's life happy, you gave them smiles and love. It seeks more to give love than to receive, that is the conclusion, the key to everything. Take a deep breath and enjoy the journey and life you have today. It will not come back, it is temporary, like practically everything in life. Nothing is forever on earth.


It is time to forgive and act like Jesus always, even in the simplest act, it is time to see in the other the face of Jesus and act like Jesus, forgive and love like Jesus, we are talking about love, real love, there is no place rancor, revenge, pride, forgetfulness, compassion, attachment, possession, property, no! Only God and with him in his midst the beautiful feelings that surround him: peace, love, understanding, understanding, joy, serenity, forgiveness ...

La humildad es importante para tener buenas relaciones con los demás 

With humility comes compassion, understanding, love ... Pride, revenge, rancor and all the feelings that fill the ego come out.
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