
Three reasons to communicate with God: Give thanks, ask and listen

What is this website about?

This website was born as an inspiration after receiving, what I consider to be, messages from God. I feel He asked me to take His word to everyone - without discriminating, without judging, without anything - only to deliver it to as many people as I could. That is why I decided to create this website. In the Introduction and Who Writes sections, you will be able to find out a little more about me and where these messages come from.


I am a regular person. My faith has grown through the years. I have always been a believer of God, and have been a follower of Jesus all my life. A few years ago, in 2014 to be exact, I was going through a difficult time - not in my everyday life, but internally,  I felt empty and with no purpose. This lack of purpose made me get closer to God, speak to Him, and ask Him for guidance. I think He heard me.

The first times I started to receive His messages was strange, and sometimes still is.

At first, I simply heard them,  but I never wrote them down, until one day I decided to start writing them down (probably guided by Him).

What you read on this website are messages that I believe God has given me. Maybe I am wrong, but honestly, the messages are not my writing style, and they too wise and profound for me to write. This is what makes me believe it is truly Him. 

After several years, one day in 2018, one of these messages was very specific and gave birth to this website. I think this may be the best way to pass on the message of Love that God dictates: 

 "Everyone has talents, and yours is through words and actions of love and compassion. Take the Word throughout the world to all. Do not be clouded by the worldly and human mind, that judges and believes it knows who is worthy and not worthy of love. The Love of God and the Holy Word is simple; take it to everyone, whoever you cross paths with every day. You are love. You are the instrument chosen by God, the Father and Jesus, to distribute and give love, give the word, and be a Being of Light wherever you go on your path. " 

I do not consider myself having something extraordinary. I simply heard his Word. I think He speaks to all of us and sometimes certain situations in life make us more sensitive and willing to listen.
I encourage you all to be silent, even once a week and try to hear God's message. He speaks to us, but sometimes we do not listen... I began to be silent in the church. Someone once told me when we pray we ask, we are talking, but when we are silent, we are listening.

THE TEXT ON ITALICS AND IN THE MESSAGES SECTION ARE, WHAT I BELIEVE, GOD'S MESSAGES. SOMETIMES THE MESSAGE ARE IN FIRST PERSON, AS IF GOD WERE SPEAKING DIRECTLY. OTHER TIMES THEY ARE AS IF IT WAS SOMEONE ELSE SENDING HIS MESSAGE. I WRITE IT AS IS AS I RECEIVE IT. God gave us a purpose in life and it is our duty to find out what it is. He provides us with everything, everything we need. God is love, God is abundance, God is guide and He guides us towards our wonderful destiny. He takes us by the hand, and it is our duty to believe and let ourselves be led. Times that seem difficult are simply a preparation for the wonders of the kingdom of God.

In 2020, after so much growth in my spiritual life, in my faith in God, I can now openly say, I truly believe is God, in many forms, who speaks to me. For so long, I honestly felt like I was probably imagining all these messages, that it was my mind or my imagination playing a trick on me. I was so afraid of being judged, laughed at, rejected. I was only focusing on human judgment and I was overlooking that the only one I have to answer to is God. So, after years of struggling with believing or not believing, asking myself: who am I that God speaks to me? I finally, accepted that He has chosen me to be an instrument of His word and Love. I don't have to persuade people to believe me, I only have to look at the sky believe God is looking at me and listen to His voice in my heart and soul. I can now humblely say God gave me a mission, a purpose, the qualities and talents to fulfill it, and I will do my best to make Him proud.

I encourage you to speak with God, ask Him to show you your purpose in life, I am sure He will do the same for you as He did for me. We all have a purpose and your task is to find yours.

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