Who writes?

Who Writes All This?

Welcome and God bless you

I am a simple person like you who read this. My faith has grown over the years. I have always been a Catholic, I studied at a Catholic school and all my life I have been a follower of the region. But until a few years ago to be exact 2014, I was going through a difficult time, not in daily life, but internally yes. And this made me approach God, speak to him, ask for guidance. I think I hear myself. At first it was strange, sometimes it still is. I feel that his messages arrive and at first I just heard them, but I never wrote them, until one day I decided to do it, perhaps guided by Him. What you read on this website, are messages that I think, God has given me, such Maybe I'm wrong, but honestly, it's not my writing style and they say things that are too wise for me and I know I wouldn't say them. This is what makes me believe that he really can be Him. Even though sometimes I think why would he use me to send his message. After several years, one day in 2018 one of the messages was very specific and gave birth to this website, I think it may be the best way to get the message of Love that God sends: "Everyone has talents and yours is that of the word and actions of love and compassion, carry the Word throughout the world to all, do not be clouded by the worldly and human mind judging and believing to know who in himself and to whom not to take love, the Love of God and the Holy Word, it is simple, take it to everyone, whom you come across every day, you are love, you are the instrument chosen by God the Father and Jesus to distribute and give love, give word and be a being of Light wherever you go, by Your way." I do not consider that I have something extraordinary, I just heard his Word. I think that He speaks to all of us and sometimes certain situations in life make us more sensitive and willing to hear it. I encourage you all to be silent even once a week and try to hear God's message. He speaks to us, but sometimes we don't hear ... I began to be silent in the church. Someone once told me when we pray / ask we are talking but when we are it is silence, we are hearing. Try to remain anonymous, I don't like this kind of attention and I didn't want the messages to lose value. But in another message they told me that I should show myself and say that it is I who write, always keeping humility. Carolina Duarte A simple messenger

How are the messages organized?

Bueno. yo los recibo en diferentes momentos de mi vida llevo recolectándolos desde el 2014, y según el momento en el que estaba, la situación y el mensaje así los organizo. 

Como Escojo El Mensaje Para Leerlo?
La idea es que te sientas identificado con el titulo y antes que nada tomate 1 minuto para pedirle a Dios que te guíe a escoger el mensaje que debes recibir. De pronto no esta acá, de pronto ya esta dentro de ti. 

GOD is our Guide

Remember that God is the one who guides our way, if he brought you here it is for something, read and take advantage. God also acts through us, so if you consider that it would be useful for someone to read the messages posted here, send them.
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