
Fables & Fairytales

The Great Tree

Once upon a time there was a beautiful tree that had grown up next to an Orange tree. During his life, he saw how the tree next to him, the Orange Tree, beared fruit to beautiful oranges. Many came to enjoy its delicious fruit. The Great Tree looked at Orange Tree with sadness and envy, for no one looked at him. He stayed like this a while. . 

The Great Tree was always thinking, how come I cannot grow oranges like my neighboring tree? What do I have to do? What does he do to grow oranges? What does he have that I don't have? What has the Orange Tree done differently to be lucky enough to give oranges? Why can't I give oranges? I want everyone to come and enjoy my oranges ...

 He felt ungrateful, frustrated, sad,and lived a meaningless life ... every day he complained and reproached God and life; why he could not be like the Orange Tree? Why was his life so sad? He could not grow oranges. He could not even be what he really wanted. Why couldn't he grow delicious oranges and thus fulfill his mission as a tree and bear fruit to that peasant who had dedicated so much to him and took care of him for so long. The Great Tree felt that it did not have the peasant's admiration and love, not like the Orange Tree did. 

One day the Great Tree, tired of struggling to grow oranges, began to become more and more sad as its leaves began to fall and the tree began to weaken. It had lost the desire to fight and it felt unsuccessful and very sad! The peasant, owner of the trees, came and sat down underneath the The Great Tree, and said to him, "Dear tree, what's wrong with you? Why are you letting yourself die? You are a very beautiful tree, strong, full of life and with so much potential to bear thousands of fruits… I have taken care of you with so much dedication and love.  But you have not given even one fruit and now you want to let yourself die?…" The Great Tree was sad because he had disappointed the peasant, who had cared for him so much… The great tree looked at peasant and said, "I don't want you to take care of me anymore, I have only made attempts in vain and I have struggled a lot, to grow you sweet oranges for you to enjoy, but I have not been able to. You should just  take care of the neighboring tree, if it bears much fruit, let me die ..."

The peasant was surprised and confused said to the Great tree, "You have been wanting to grow me oranges? That's impossible! You are an apple tree! You were made to grow apples, it's impossible for you to groranges. The Great Tree did not believe what it heard ... -As well? Am I an apple tree? Am I not an orange tree? The tree answered confused -Of course you're an apple tree! How could you have expected to give oranges?…

You focus all your life trying  to be like your neighbor, the Orange Tree, you never took the time to see your greatness, your beauty and see who you really are. You focused on wanting to be who you weren't! and something you could never be, An orange tree. You were born to be an apple tree and give the most delicious apples. 

The Great tree full of joy, it finally discovered who he really was, an Apple Tree found its own destiny. 

Flooded with joy at finding who he really was, it quickly began to blossom and flourish and flourish like never before, and soon afterwards the most delicious apples began to sprout. And many came to eat their fruit, all saying how delicious their apples were. The Great tree no longer envied his neighbor. He realized that they were different and each one was successful by being themselves and making their own story. 

Moral: Sometimes we focus so much on looking and admiring others that we lose ourselves in their destiny. We want to follow the same goals, the same dreams and be someone we are not. We all have a unique and special destiny. We are all wonderful beings, full of a set of qualities that no one else has. Look within and admire who you are and you will find our true destiny.

A Rich Heart

A girl was walking and a person who seemed sad despite her light was found. The girl sat next to him and greeted her, hello my name is Compassion and you? My name is Sol Sol, who are you complaining about? -From him, she replied pointing to a poor dying man who was not far from them. The girl was silent while she heard Sol, a millionaire who complained, because she always gave and did not receive as expected. Sol especially complained about that dying young man with a lost and silent look, who saw from a distance. The girl looked at Sol, saw the sadness in her eyes and wondered how it is possible that this millionaire person was so sad and disappointed. So he started talking to him: - You know that Jesus helps the poor, right? And especially to the poor in heart, of love, like this poor young man, of him that you are waiting for so much ... you do not realize that he is so empty. Jesus helps him by putting millionaire people to the poor so that the millionaire shares his love. Sol looked at her without understanding what she was saying. The boy, however, continued: do you know that you are a millionaire of love? The girl said to this person, did you know? Sol puzzled answered - No, I did not know Yes, you are a millionaire, continued the girl, a millionaire of love, you have a lot, a lot of love, by the lots and that love never ends. Because look, your heart is the factory. Your heart takes every act of love it receives and multiplies it, appreciates so much that it does ... Boom! turns it into thousands and even millions, with a single act of someone. And the more special the person is to you, the more it multiplies. So your heart makes and makes love and there is always love, that's why you are a millionaire of love. Sol replied, but my heart is foolish, delusional, they give him crumbs and he becomes happy and corresponds excessively, overflowing. The girl smiles and I answer, what happens to you that sometimes you feel that they give you crumbs of love, very little and you correspond with large, large amounts, what happens is that like all the love you receive you multiply it, you correspond with love multiplied. What about his heart? Sol said pointing to the poor dying man, because he cannot give love? asked curious Sol. The girl thought for a moment and answered, I think she is tired, if and that makes her sick, a tired heart makes the rest of the body sick, you don't see what it is. the heart that produces love. -What do I do then, have I given you so much love and only receive crumbs? Asked Sol again, already more worried than curious. Let him rest, answered the girl, so imagine someone saying to you "hey produce, hey make love, that I want and the poor there all tired, without strength, and wants, but cannot, is tired. That is why Jesus put you there, he continued The girl, you are a millionaire of love, you do not need that I am giving you the production of love, because you have a lot, a lot. But then why do I want to be reciprocated, if I do not need it? Sol asked again a little bewildered. , replied the girl, for saying "oops they give me love." But this poor exhausted young man cannot, he gives a little, because he has little and your millionaire of love. Is it like a millionaire asking a poor person? see asking a blind man to read to him? They cannot, it is unfair to ask them, they have no way. What do I do then? Well, rather, you fill them and fill them with love, fill the poor with love; little by little he will fill himself, give him time to the heart of resting. The girl paused while looking at the dying do, is that if you see how tired he is ?, Poor thing! Because it happened that I give him a lot of love, and keep quiet? If you need my love why do you keep quiet? She said a little disappointed, because she is scared, the girl said simply. Look, what if you give him a little money, a gold bar, he is scared, he doesn't know if it's true or not, he doesn't know what to say ... But if you give him a normal $ 5 bill, he says thanks, well He is used to these doses, but if something big, big comes, he is scared ... He has to give little, but give very often. It happens, that there are acts of love that are more valuable than others and if he sees every act of yours very, very valuable and you do big, big acts are more scared. Well, he has been used to giving and giving until he is exhausted, and now he receives and receives and sometimes he does not even know whether to receive, because he is scared. -How much do I give you then? Asked Sol The smiling girl answered: your heart knows the perfect dose, don't you see that it is God and Jesus who is sending it to you? If you think, today I am born to say this or do that, do it, but if your heart tells you, it is a lot, do not say it or do it, it is easy. The girl thought for a few seconds, as if imagining something and continued: When her heart wakes up she will make and make a lot, a lot of love, a lot will come out, just like a piggy bank when it opens, coins come out and come out, and He will never stop producing love because as he has someone who gives him love and he is not alone giving and giving and giving, then he will not tire and he will not exhaust himself. He remained silent for a while and continued, it is that he looks I think you let love accumulate in your heart, you squeeze it and squeeze it so that nothing of love comes out, I think that between pride and ego they help you squeeze. And then pun! you can't take it anymore and you let it go and it comes out of everything and drowns it, it's a lot, because everything accumulated there. It is better that you give him a little and when he is born, the heart does not think, does not calculate, nothing he alone gives and now, you do not see that he is a millionaire he never lacks love, God and all those around you fill it and he manufactures and multiply the love he receives, so give him little so as not to scare him. So I will, promised Sol to the girl

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